In a groundbreaking initiative, Dror Israel's Neveh Midbar Eco-Tech High School for Bedouin teens recently conducted its first-ever student council elections, marking a significant step towards engaging Bedouin youth in the democratic process. Bedouin communities often face disenfranchisement and below-average voter turnout, making this initiative particularly impactful.
On January 17, 2024, students from grades 9 and 10 participated in this momentous event, actively supported by dedicated teachers. The elections involved a dynamic process, including campaign activities and spirited debates among student candidates, fostering a culture of civic engagement from an early age.
While the students weren't evacuated during the October 7th attack and ensuing war, their school year has been heavily disrupted. The area was bombarded by rockets, lacking proper shelters, and amidst uncertainty, fear, and chaos, these resilient students are continuing their studies.
These elections were not just about choosing student leaders but served as a culmination of a comprehensive unit on government and democracy. The school, which opened its doors this academic year, is committed to instilling democratic values, leadership, and social responsibility in its students.
Amidst the excitement, Amir Al-Khousy emerged as the President of the Student Council, with Nema Masoudin securing the role of Vice President. Their victories represent not only personal achievements but also a collective win for the school's commitment to promoting active citizenship.
Congratulations to Amir, Nema, and all the students who participated! As we celebrate their success, we recognize the profound impact of such initiatives in shaping the leaders of tomorrow and fostering a spirit of unity and participation within the Bedouin community.