Memorial ceremonies were conducted nation-wide to mark one year since the death of Ethiopian-Israeli youth Solomon Teka, shot dead by off-duty police officer in a Haifa suburb
This week marks the one-year anniversary of the tragic killing of Solomon Teka z”l. We remember, and are still hurting.
Solomon Teka, an Ethiopian-Israeli teenager from Haifa's suburbs, was shot dead by an off-duty police officer. Sadly, this was not an isolated incident; it was part of a rising trend of over-policing and violence against youth of the Ethiopian-Israeli community.

We demand that the Israel Police investigate the incident until the truth is found and the deeper problems that led to it are solved. Such senseless violence can never be allowed to happen again.
All members of Dror Israel and its youth movement vow never to forget the pain, refuse to let the protests be in vain or to stand aside as injustice reigns.
Yesterday, the youth movement members in Kiryat Haim – Solomon’s hometown – met in the yard of the community center for a discussion about last summer, the violence, the racism, the apathy, and most importantly – about our shared struggle for a more just and democratic society which consecrates human life and the equality of human value.

We held remembrance ceremonies throughout the day, in which youth movement members read pieces and sang songs in memory of Solomon. Solomon’s sister Etsubdink joined us and moved us with her presence and stories of her brother.'
“There are a lot of questions that nobody other than the youth movement will struggle with. I understand that we need to put together a group of members – both from Ethiopian background and from other backgrounds – without separations, without color, without walls – because that’s the only way to move forward and walk the path.” – Tsabao Kasa, Counselor at Kiryat Haim youth movement branch.