A group of seniors were very excited to travel together to see a new part of the country
For the past year and a half, a group of veteran Olim from the former USSR in Akko has been meeting to learn Hebrew and engage in community activities, facilitated by Dror Israel’s Educators’ Kibbutz in Akko. The group members, most of whom are 70 years old or older, have remained active throughout the COVID lockdowns with online meetings and activity kits that they received from the group’s facilitators.

Many months ago, the group facilitators had planned to take the group to the beautiful Hula Lake in Israel’s north. Despite that most of these group members have been living in Israel for decades, many have not yet had the opportunity to experience some of the country’s most amazing sites that are loved by Israelis and tourists alike. Visiting natural and cultural sites and therefore an important part of the Hebrew-study curriculum.
Unfortunately, the long-planned trip had to be postponed several times due to the pandemic, but we didn’t give up, and last Tuesday we finally succeeded! The weather was perfect, and they saw herons, cranes, siskins and turtles. We sang, ate and laughed- it was great!

Perhaps in the past we used to take it for granted that groups like these could go on an educational outing together, but these days we certainly do not. It was a long wait and a lot of planning, but the group of twenty 70-year-olds from Akko finally succeeded in going on a trip. We are very grateful to everyone who contributed and helped us make this trip happen!
